Nutritional supplements

Information & Products

Hello, I am Elena Braccioli

20 years of experience in developing and selling nutritional supplements.

Popular Blog Posts

Magnesium: Benefits and Sources

Excerpt: “Discover the many benefits and sources of magnesium!” Metatitle: “Magnesium: Benefits and Sources for a Healthy Life” Metadescription: “Want more energy and less stress? Find out how magnesium can help! Now read about the many benefits and natural sources of this wonder mineral.”

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How I work

Please contact me for more information on nutritional supplements. My specialties are Immune System, Probiotics, Menopause, Energy and Collagen.

Contact Us

Via email or phone we can get to know each other further.


We will schedule a video call about your needs and desires.

Nutrition Coaching

I can support in the selection of the right supplements.

Make an appointment

Please contact me and I will respond as soon as possible.

Contact Form Live (#3)
Elena was a very pleasant and knowledgeable advisor to work with. She asked good questions to understand what I wanted to accomplish with supplements. The advice I received was very specific to my situation and definitely helped. I am pleased with her service.
